this is general clegg , army chief of staff . 軍参謀のクレッグ将軍だ
this is general clegg , army chief of staff . 軍参謀のクレッグ将軍だ
having served as colonel as nagoya chindai army chief of staff , tokyo chindai army chief of staff , staff headquarters first corps leader and so on , he , with the promotion to army major general in august , was appointed hohei eleventh corps chief . 大佐として名古屋鎮台参謀長、東京鎮台参謀長、参謀本部第1局長等を経験し8月、陸軍少将に任ぜられ歩兵第11旅団長に補される。
having served as colonel as nagoya chindai army chief of staff , tokyo chindai army chief of staff , staff headquarters first corps leader and so on , he , with the promotion to army major general in august , was appointed hohei eleventh corps chief . 大佐として名古屋鎮台参謀長、東京鎮台参謀長、参謀本部第1局長等を経験し8月、陸軍少将に任ぜられ歩兵第11旅団長に補される。