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army chief of staff 意味

"army chief of staff"の例文


  • 陸軍参謀本部{りくぐん さんぼう ほんぶ}、陸軍参謀長{りくぐん さんぼうちょう}
  • army     army n. 陸軍; 軍, 軍隊; 大群. 【動詞+】 photographers who accompanied the army in
  • chief     chief n. (組織 集団の)長, 頭(かしら), 首領. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a branch chief 支店長 the
  • staff     1staff n. 職員, 部員, スタッフ. 【動詞+】 augment the staff by the appointment of…
  • chief of staff     chief of staff 幕僚長 ばくりょうちょう 参謀長 さんぼうちょう
  • army chief on staff for communications electronics    通信?電子担当陸軍僚長
  • chief of staff    chief of staff 幕僚長 ばくりょうちょう 参謀長 さんぼうちょう
  • army staff    陸軍幕僚
  • assistant chief of staff    《米軍》参謀長{さんぼうちょう}、部長{ぶちょう}◆【略】ACS
  • assistant chief of staff, g1    assistant chief of staff, g1 第一部長 だいいちぶちょう
  • assistant chief of staff, g2    assistant chief of staff, g2 調査部長 ちょうさぶちょう 第二部長 だいにぶちょう
  • assistant chief of staff, g3    assistant chief of staff, g3 防衛部長 ぼうえいぶちょう 第三部長 だいさんぶちょう
  • assistant, chief of staff    大統領首席補佐官{だいとうりょう しゅせき ほさかん}
  • assistant, deputy chief of staff    大統領次席補佐官{だいとうりょう じせき ほさかん}
  • chief of staff to president    大統領首席補佐官{だいとうりょう しゅせき ほさかん}
  • chief of the general staff    参謀総長{さんぼう そうちょう}◆【略】CGS


  • this is general clegg , army chief of staff .
  • this is general clegg , army chief of staff .
  • having served as colonel as nagoya chindai army chief of staff , tokyo chindai army chief of staff , staff headquarters first corps leader and so on , he , with the promotion to army major general in august , was appointed hohei eleventh corps chief .
  • having served as colonel as nagoya chindai army chief of staff , tokyo chindai army chief of staff , staff headquarters first corps leader and so on , he , with the promotion to army major general in august , was appointed hohei eleventh corps chief .
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